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Spring Cleanup Scheduled for June 6-9

published: May 2nd, 2024 by

Green Waste Only; No Dumpsters Dumpster Days was conceived as a bonus service for Pinebrook residents. It was historically a joint Pinebrook Master Association and Pinebrook Homeowners Association initiative.  Unfortunately, in recent years the hazards and costs — and visual blight — eclipsed the benefits. The event became a draw for an ever-larger volume of residents from well beyond Pinebrook. It became a magnet for dumpster diving with even small children climbing into the dumpsters walking through broken shards of glass and shrapnel. People were depositing furniture and other discards all over the parking lot when the containers reached their… Read More »

Dog and Human Trail Etiquette Training

published: September 5th, 2023 by

Saturday, September 9th at the Pinebrook Park Pavilion from 8-10am Attention Pinebrook Dog Owners: Join us Saturday September 9th at the Pinebrook Park Pavilion from 8-10am to learn new tips and expert guidance for greater situational awareness around hikers, bikers, wildlife, problematic mountain plants, and other dogs. Our guest trainer: Traci Madson with Three Little Pits Pawsitive Dog Training. Traci is a Certified Dog Trainer and Certified Behavior Consultant This event is free, but open only to Pinebrook residents. Important: Traci will bring her canine assistant as a teacher’s aid. She asks that attendees kindly leave their dogs at home.… Read More »

Community Event – Wildfire Safety & Prevention

published: May 8th, 2023 by

May 20th, 10AM – 1PM Information tables during the entire event will cover the following fire safety topics: Plus, there will be tables hosted by local arborists and tree service companies, as well as Basin Recreation and High Valley Transit. Speakers, too – from 11am to noon including Park City Fire, the Summit County Fire Warden, Summit County Emergency Management and the Pinebrook Fire Safety Committee. Free lunch (up to $10 value) for any Pinebrook resident that comes and participates at the event. We expect that a fire truck will be joining us too! Please email us at pinebrookfiresafety@gmail.com with… Read More »

Pinebrook Dumpster Days

published: May 3rd, 2023 by

MAY 27TH THROUGH JUNE 4TH It’s that time of year again when the Pinebrook Master and Pinebrook Homeowners Associations provide dumpsters and a chipper for our spring cleanup needs. The chipper will operate after work on the weekdays and 7am to 5pm on the weekends. You will need to arrange taking your trees, shrubs or branches to the Pinebrook Park to be chipped. Neither the PHOA or PMA offer curbside chipping services; you must arrange that with the Park City Fire District via their website or a private landscape company. Please do not leave piles of branches and tree debris roadside. It… Read More »