Pinebrook’s private trail system is used all year round by Pinebrook residents who hike, bike, trail run, snowshoe and ski in the open space. The PMA has developed a trail map which may be viewed here. PMA members may obtain a copy of the Pinebrook Trail Map from the document section of the member portal or at the Gorgoza Mutual Water Company office located at 7950 Pinebrook Road. The Pinebrook Trail System consists of perimeter trails and trails throughout the open space which make it easy for most residents to access the trail system within a few blocks of their home.
The developers built part of the trail system in the late 1990s, and then beginning in 2001 the PMA designed and constructed new trails each year to complete the trail network specified in the Pinebrook Master Plan. A Trail Committee was established by the PMA in 2001 to help facilitate the design, construction and maintenance of the private Pinebrook Trail System. HOAMCO, with the assistance of the PMA Trail Committee members and other Pinebrook resident volunteers, provides oversight and maintenance of the trails. The majority of the trails have been designed by members of the PMA Trail Committee. The PMA has installed signage which includes the PMA logo, trail name and trail degree of difficulty.

Wildlife interactions are common on the Pinebrook trails. You may encounter moose, deer, fox, porcupine, skunk, bear and more. Always keep a safe distance from any animals you may encounter. Remember that they are Pinebrook residents as well. For more tips about wildlife interactions, visit Wild Aware Utah.
A dedicated and experienced group of volunteers have continued to construct and maintain the Pinebrook trails. Volunteers continue to remove fallen trees, repair eroded or damaged sections of trail and cut back vegetation as needed. The PMA also uses a contractor to help with trail maintenance. If you are interested in volunteering your time to construct or maintain the trails please contact the PMA. The PMA has trail maintenance tools available by request.
Five trailhead parking areas have been built and/or designated with Pinebrook. Two trailhead parking areas have been constructed off Buckboard Drive, one has been constructed adjacent to Canyon Drive north of the intersection with Saddle Court, one has been constructed at the intersection of Canyon Drive and Pinebrook Road, and PMA members are allowed to park in the PMA Park parking lot in order to access the trails. These parking areas are intended to allow year round parking for PMA members only, and the PMA will attempt to remove snow from these parking areas on a periodic basis during the winter. Please read the signs and understand that you park there at your own risk, and that Summit County snowplows may push windrows of snow into the parking areas during the winter. We don’t recommend parking in these trailhead lots during snow storms, and you should keep a snow shovel in your car in case you are blocked in by snowplow activity.
The PMA now has their own storage bay located in the Gorgoza Mutual Water Company/Pinebrook Estates/PMA storage building in the PMA Park. All trail construction and maintenance equipment is stored there, along with Park materials and supplies
The PMA encourages you to take advantage of Pinebrook’s 600 acres of open space and excellent trail system. We also would appreciate that you contact us regarding maintenance items that you observe while using the trails such as downed trees or eroded trail surfaces.