Thursday, June 13th, 5:30pm to 7:30pm at Pinebrook Park
Come join other weed pulling champions and help Pinebrook win in this year’s Garlic Mustard Games. The Garlic Mustard Games – managed by the Summit Cooperative Weed Management Area – is a Summit County garlic mustard pull competition that runs May-August annually. Summit County residents, trail users, and visitors can form teams or pull individually and compete to see who can pull the most garlic mustard over the course of the summer. Last year, over 4,600 pounds of garlic mustard were pulled!
Opportunity drawing prizes for the Pinebrook event will include: One Day Deer Valley Bike Pass, $25 Silver King gift card, Basin Recreation passes, and Ritual chocolate. We also have a kids prize if we have kids join us, so bring the kids! There will be big weed bags, some gloves, snacks, and cool beverages for all participants.