May 20th, 10AM – 1PM

Information tables during the entire event will cover the following fire safety topics:
- Defensible Space – How can the Park City Fire Department help?
- Emergency Notification Systems – How do they work and are you registered?
- Planning for Evacuations – Are you familiar with Pinebrook’s two-page evacuation planning document?
- Community Engagement – Learn about the Fire Safety Committee and how to get involved.
- Weed Issues – What we all should want to know!
Plus, there will be tables hosted by local arborists and tree service companies, as well as Basin Recreation and High Valley Transit.
Speakers, too – from 11am to noon including Park City Fire, the Summit County Fire Warden, Summit County Emergency Management and the Pinebrook Fire Safety Committee.
Free lunch (up to $10 value) for any Pinebrook resident that comes and participates at the event.
We expect that a fire truck will be joining us too!
Please email us at with any questions or for more information.